These easily portable, pull-up retractable banners are meant to be displayed at various locations, from an organization’s headquarters to special events. For the CHS, we focused on explaining their impact and veterinary services, their volunteer opportunities, their crisis boarding program, and their primary services. For the Foodbank, we addressed resistance from potential donors worried about where their money was going, and for the Elizabeth River Project we showcased their work as interesting, fun, and beautiful to overcome hesitancies about volunteering.


These brochures were created to educate each organization’s stakeholders on the programs and contributions to the community. They were separated out, in the case of the Foodbank, by the interests of particular audience segments, but in each case they were tailored to specific audience interests and goals drawn from our research (focus groups, surveys, interviews, and industry analysis).


These print projects range from wall signs (in the case of the Strome Entepreneurial Center) to newsletter pages/posters (in the case of the Department of Communication and Theatre Arts) to large format wall hangings (in the case of the CHS). In each case they educated the organization’s stakeholders on the programs and contributions to the community. Tone and style depended on audience and placement: for the SEC, they are eye-catching drivers for foot traffic. For the CHS, they hang on the walls of the adoption area to showcase what “makes” an adoptable pet in a cute, relatable way. For ODU, they highlighted the contributions of beloved faculty.