Investing in the Foodbank

This animated video was inspired by the repeated sentiment in market research that giving money to the hungry was a potential waste, and that people didn’t really understand that foodbanks were able to do far more with a donation than we can ourselves. It shows how investing in the Foodbank is in fact a worthy investment in our communities (what they call “ending the line” rather than merely “feeding the line”).

What Makes a Family?

This video pulls at the heartstrings in a playful, loving, joyous way to highlight animal companions as a central part of a family. Used in social media, events, and even the signature line of the executives for the Chesapeake Humane Society, it shows how the CHS can help start a family or make your family whole. It beautifully shows that families look different and are diverse, just like the Hampton Roads community: the organization is accommodating of all family types and can help connect them to animals looking for their forever home.

The TAO Difference

This sizzle reel highlights social isolation as a problem and the solution is an organization that uses arts and music to combat the public health issue.

Your Morning Coffee

This video highlights how a cup of coffee could be so much more. It creatively shows how little it costs to feed someone when the funds are donated to the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore, and is a part of an “invest in your community” campaign.

ODU - Student Engagement & Enrollment Services

Video highlights the various leadership opportunities available to students across campus. It showcases impactful programs that foster personal growth, community engagement, and professional development.

Virginia Symphony Orchestra

This video was produced for the Virginia Symphony Orchestra (VSO) and premiered at the organization’s annual fundraising event, inspiring donations to support world-class arts in our community.